Wednesday, November 27, 2019

I am a cute girl free essay sample

This is one of the biggest private universities in Ad Nag which has 100 theoretical rooms, 3 lecture rooms, 2 halls and a modern library, so on. Moreover, each of rooms is equipped LAB to support English learning. Specially, CARS classes are opened at Dong A University which helps people with disabilities more confident; because they feel that they are not end of zero in the life, they will have a positive looking in their life.Further, Dong A University always has significant activity in every year, such as: gifts for charity, day for reading book Through these activities, we know social skills as well as lesson for life. Besides, Dong A University always has chances of Job for all of student so that we can find a safe Job in the future. To help the student who has hard case, cherry blossoms scholarship as an encouragement so that they can keep on their dream. We will write a custom essay sample on I am a cute girl or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Students efforts in study are always considered by Dong A University. Further, I really like English department in Dong A University.Recently, I study in English linguistics major, so English department supports me so much. It makes me not only large knowledge but also confidence. English department created activities to improve English of student. Firstly, English club is opened once in a week which includes many interesting games. Student will feel bored or difficult to remember vocabulary. Secondly, seminar is also activity of English department. It happens once in a month. When you take part In this activity you can show your presentational ability in front of people.Confidence Is a gift you will achieve after every seminar. In addition, public speaking is benefit playground for all of student. You will solve every question with English quickly and smartly. This needs you have various vocabulary and speak English frequently. Chances which you have at there: chances for a Job, chances for a dream, chances for your future Anyway, this Is an exciting tour If you visit Dong A University. And try participating In one of activities of English department to feel my speaking Is right or wrong.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Physical attractiveness Essays

Physical attractiveness Essays Physical attractiveness Essay Physical attractiveness Essay The sample was composed of 40 students from the University of Warwick, 20 males and 20 females, between 18 and 24 years of age. Equal numbers of male and female participants were used to counter the effects gender may place on perception of physical attractiveness. The subjects participated in the study on a voluntary basis and were an opportunity sample.  Materials  Two consent forms including a brief about the experiment and the participants role within it was provided for the couples being rated and the independent judges, (see appendix A and B.) Separate colour photographs were taken from the neck up of each member of ten long term heterosexual couples using a digital camera. Long term was defined as courting for 6months or over. These couples were told their photograph would be rated for physical attractiveness by independent judges and that the results would be recorded for a psychological investigation, anonymously and confidentially.  Each photograph was printed on a separate sheet of paper and divided into two groups according to sex (see appendix C.) Paper and pens were used for the subjects to record their ranking order of physical attractiveness for the male and female groups. Microsoft excel was used to format these results (see appendix D.)  SPSS (version 10) software was used to calculate the data set.  Design  The enquiry was a correlation study, exploring the relationship between the two variables of physical attractiveness of an individual and the physical attractiveness of their partner. Spearmans rho statistical test was used to calculate the data set because the study was a correlation design and the data was ordinal. However, my results cannot necessarily be accounted for using different cultures, as Anderson et al (1992) found that attractive characteristics varies from culture to culture. Limitations and Modifications Although my results matched my experimental hypothesis, the experiment had many limitations. Firstly, I was not able to control who advertised themselves in the newspaper and therefore the advertisements may not be representative of the general population. Only a certain type of person would put an advertisement into a newspaper. They may be shy or have a personal difference that stops them from going out. It is also possible that they have personality traits that are not typical of the average person. It could be argued that people who advertise in lonely-hearts advertisements could be argued as abnormal. Most people are able to and meet their partners out on social occasions or at their local sports club but those who are writing into the newspapers must be unable to find somebody in theses situations and therefore could possibly be abnormal. Secondly, people may emphasise certain traits, underestimate others and tell lies or not the full truth. This limits the validity of any conclusions that are drawn from the possibly unreliable results. Also, there is the fact that my pre-determined lists are subjective as they are opinion and therefore someone repeating the experiment may deduce completely different information from the same examples when there were no specific references to youth/looks and wealth/finance. This reduces the ecological validity of my experiment even further. As with most experiments, Cultural variations have to also be taken into account. This could be due to the extent to which countries are developed and the differing cultural priorities. For example in some cultures it is a priority for women to get married and have children, whereas for the men it is to provide food for their family. It is now becoming increasingly more common for the womens role to be more providing and for the mens role to be involved with the children. My results draw attention to the fact that women who have youth/good looks and men that are successful/wealthy (and good looking also) are thought to be the most attractive. These results are apparent in the media and aspects of every day life. For example, photos of women on mens magazines are almost always of women who are youthful and stereotypically good looking. Also, mens magazines often contain content that will offer advice on becoming more successful, and therefore more attractive. Also, many adverts aimed at men signify status symbols and therefore support my findings. One explanation for my results may be because of an evolutionary effect; over time men have become more attracted to good looking women as they will be likely to successfully give birth to children and women have become more attracted to men offering resources as they will be more likely to provide for them and their offspring meaning a higher chance of survival. By doing this, healthy genes can be passed on through the generations and the race can continue to survive. This explanation is supported by Darwins theory of evolution. However, men and women may be influenced by the media, peer pressure or other things that make them try and act or appear more attractive. There is a range of further research that could be carried out to gain a further insight into the nature of these findings. For example, the experiment could be repeated using homosexual ads, and see what resources homosexuals offer and compare those findings to these ones. I could also compare results with findings from samples of an older generation past breeding age so that the findings would be irrelevant to evolution. Additionally, a cross culture investigation would be an interesting investigation to be done. One could study how people in different cultures attract their partners and even compare between more economically developed and less economically developed countries.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

D&I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

D&I - Essay Example In communicating the vision for D&I, the post stressed that collaborative relationship should be fostered, and that the vision should be operationalized throughout the organization as a means of communicating the firm’s D&I policies. What is meant by â€Å"collaborative† relationship is, however, unclear as it relates specifically to D&I. Collaboration should be more explicitly fleshed out as to the parties, the activities, and the manner by which it is operationalized. â€Å"Collaborative relationship† could apply to all policies and initiatives of management, thus how it particularly advances D&I should be more thoroughly elaborated. The quotation from Anderson & Harris (2010) is well-taken, however, and would have been a good springboard for further discussion. Finally, the identified barriers to effective D&I implementation principally redound to resistance to change, which is a valid argument. However, the change sought to be implemented by D&I is more of a long-term transformation (Koch, McMillan & Peper, 2011). Response to the post of Student 2: John Kolojaco The post makes a salient point about the adoption of diversity practices as part of business norm, which this reviewer takes to mean the institutionalization of practices and behaviours which encourage tolerance of individual differences within the organization. The quotation by Rink and Ellemers (2008), however, is slightly misplaced as it assumes the acceptance of diversity among groups as a prerequisite to the adoption of more tolerant practices, not the other way around. That being said, the mentioned articulation of policies and a â€Å"living mission statement† are excellent but tentative first steps which must be followed by concrete action to ascertain effective leadership towards D&I. The answer to the second question (i.e., â€Å"making sure efforts expressed externally apply internally†) infers – validly, it appears – that most D&I efforts are ineffective because they result from a failure to internally apply what is externally promoted by the company. The implication is that so-called D&I corporate advocacies are used mostly as marketing slogans or catchphrases, to project a favorable image of the company that may engender stronger sales and greater profits. The principal issue therefore is the lack of credibility on the part of management as a result of the lack of transparency in its decisions and actions, which strains all facets of the management’s relations with its stakeholders (Tapscott & Ticoll, 2003). John’s sharing of his personal experience is well appreciated, and effectively delivers a first-hand justification of the contention that discrimination need not be ethnic, gender-based, racial, or one of the other attributes associated with D&I. Any perceived personal difference that sets an individual apart from the group (in this case, a difference in educational attainment) has the potential f or discriminatory acts – a very perceptive observation from John. Response to the post of Student 3: Soosai Xavier The post makes an excellent case for the â€Å"obligation, responsibility and accountability† of middle managers to ensure the effectiveness of what is initiated at the CEO level (i.e., corporate commitment to D&I) at the lower levels. Dovetailed with the earlier